Sales: 540.434.1400
Open 9:30 AM - 7 PM
Service: 540.434.1400
Now Closed
Parts: 540.434.1400
Now Closed

Service Hours:

Monday - Friday7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday8 AM - 1 PM

Steven Toyota Service Center



Performing your Toyota service fluid replacement at factory recommended maintenance intervals is a great way to keep your Toyota running great and maintain its value.

Is it time for your Toyota to have the fluids replaced? Our Toyota-trained technicians right here in Harrisonburg at Steven Toyota can quickly handle all of your Toyota fluid replacement needs.

Image of Toyota genuine fluids.
Steven Toyota Fluid Replacement
Why use Genuine Toyota fluids?
  • Made to Toyota specifications to safeguard Toyota vehicle appearance and under-the-hood shop maintenance
How often should fluids be checked?
  • Fluids should be checked at each regular service visit
Why is it important?
  • Contributes to proper vehicle performance
  • Enhances passenger safety

Need service fluid replacement?

Schedule your appointment with our Service Center today!

Schedule Fluid Replacement

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Keep Your Toyota a Toyota

Claim this special savings offer from Steven Toyota today!

Early Reservation Discount

Early Reservation Discount

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Pick-Up/Return Same Day Discount

Pick-Up/Return Same Day Discount

Pick-up and return rental on the same day, save 50% off the daily rate. Must have reserved in advance.

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No Charge Rental

No Charge Rental

No charge $70.00 rental, when spending $500.00+ in service. Tires excluded. “Limited to one day”

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