Sales: 540.434.1400
Open 9:30 AM - 7 PM
Service: 540.434.1400
Open 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Parts: 540.434.1400
Open 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Service Hours:

    Monday - Friday7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
    Saturday8 AM - 1 PM



Toyota Service Care is a prepaid maintenance plan with Roadside Assistance that helps provide the peace of mind you deserve. Contact Steven Toyota to see what plans are available for you.

Steven Toyota technician discussing repair with customer.

Peace of mind. Longer protection.

Toyota Service Care plans last for two years and unlimited miles. Coverage starts immediately once purchased and can be renewed again and again to continue your benefits.

Maintenance Services

  • Engine oil and filter change1
  • Rotate tires
  • Multi-point inspection
  • Inspect and adjust fluid levels
  • Toyota Genuine Parts
  • Toyota-trained technicians
  • Maintenance reminders

Roadside Assistance2

  • Battery jump-starts
  • Lockout protection
  • Emergency fuel delivery
  • Tire service3
  • Towing4
  • Winching5

Any Mileage Any Year

Steven Toyota TSC Early Model

Is Toyota Service Care right for your vehicle?

Regardless of your mileage, any Toyota can be eligible for Toyota Service Care as long as it is not currently covered by ToyotaCare or any other prepaid maintenance plan.

Get the Service Care you need.

Contact Steven Toyota to learn more about Toyota Service Care.

Call 540.434.1400


  1. 1) The amount of engine oil and filter changes will vary on the Toyota Service Care Plan Purchased.
  2. 2) Roadside Assistance coverage is 2 years unlimited mileage. Does not include parts and fluids, except emergency fuel delivery. See Toyota Dealer for details and exclusions. Valid only in the continental U.S. and Alaska.
  3. 3) Impaired tire will be replaced with your inflated spare.
  4. 4) To the nearest Toyota dealership (or to the Toyota dealership of your choice within 25 miles of the nearest dealer).
  5. 5) Extrication from any ditch, mud, sand or snow. Vehicle must be immediately adjacent to a regularly traveled road and capable of being serviced with standard servicing equipment.

Keep Your Toyota a Toyota

Claim this special savings offer from Steven Toyota today!

Early Reservation Discount

Early Reservation Discount

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Pick-Up/Return Same Day Discount

Pick-Up/Return Same Day Discount

Pick-up and return rental on the same day, save 50% off the daily rate. Must have reserved in advance.

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No Charge Rental

No Charge Rental

No charge $70.00 rental, when spending $500.00+ in service. Tires excluded. “Limited to one day”

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